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In general apk file Physics Toolbox Light Meter has rating is 8.4 from 10. This is cumulative rating, most best apps on google play store have rating 8 from 10. Total reviews in google play store 161. Total number of five star reviews received 98. This app has been rated like bad by 16 number of users. Estimated number of downloads range between 10,000+ in google play store Physics Toolbox Light Meter located in category Tools, with tags physics and has been developed by Vieyra Software. You can visit their website http://www.vieyrasoftware.net/ or send support@vieyrasoftware.net to them. Physics Toolbox Light Meter can be installed on android devices with 4.0.3(Ice Cream Sandwich)+. We provide only original apk files. If any of materials on this site violates your rights, report us You could also download apk of Google and run it using android emulators such as big nox app player, bluestacks and koplayer. You could also download apk of Physics Toolbox Light Meter and run it on android emulators like bluestacks or koplayer. Versions of Physics Toolbox Light Meter apk available on our site: 1.4.5. Last version of Physics Toolbox Light Meter is 1.4.5 was uploaded 2017/05/07
Screenshots of Physics Toolbox Light Meter
  • Physics Toolbox Light Meter
  • Physics Toolbox Light Meter
  • Physics Toolbox Light Meter
  • Physics Toolbox Light Meter
Description of Physics Toolbox Light Meter (from google play)

This app displays a digital reading or a graph of Illuminance (lux) vs. Time (s) that can be exported to Google Drive or in an e-mail as a .csv file (comma separated values).

Test the brightness/intensity of light sources using your phone light meter. The light meter can be used for various applications industry and STEM education: to investigate the inverse-square law from a point source of light and true magnitudes of light bulb brightness (as our eyes do not directly perceive comparative brightness accurately due to the constriction and retraction of the pupil) in physics, solar intensity variations dependent upon weather or angle of incidence, the ability of objects and surfaces to absorb, reflect, and/or transmit light in Earth and space sciences, and to determine the concentrations of colored solutions through the derivation of Beer's Law in chemistry.

android.permissions explained


A csv file is created and modified on the phone's internal memory.

If you have any questions, comments, or would like to see modifications/updates, please email me at vieyrasoft@gmail.com

Version history Physics Toolbox Light Meter
New in Physics Toolbox Light Meter 1.4.5
Bug fixes.Charting performance enhancement.
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Apk Physics Toolbox Light Meter latest version 1.4.5


free 1.98 MB
Android 4.0.3+
Other Physics Toolbox Light Meter APK versions for android 14
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